As a programmer whose development method is repeated trial-and-error,
I understand the value in persisting despite continuous failure.
I currently write code for games and webpages (like this portfolio, which I did not use a builder for), and
I am eager to learn more about the world of full stack development
and other CS-related fields like artificial intelligence, data science,
and game development.
In this game, you start with a blank grid of cells. Each cell is either safe, or a mine. Left clicking on a mine will result in a game over. To win, left click safe cells and right click all of the mines. To help, clicking a safe cell will either flood to cells that border a mine, or the cell will reveal a number representing the number of mines directly adjacent to it. This version does not have a time limit, so think before you click!
Github repo available on request (email).
Click on the nodes to rotate them, and use your arrow keys to move
the power station around. Win by lighting every wire up!
This game uses a depth-first-search algorithm to light up connecting wires, as well
as Kruskal's algorithm to generate random boards under the condition that all the wires
can connect.
Github repo available on request (email).
Random combinations of letters will fall from the screen. Type them as fast as you can before they hit the bottom of the screen!
Github repo available on request (email).
Observe the starting pipe, and the list of incoming pipes. Click on cells to place pipes that will allow for the longest goo-flow, resulting in a higher score! The round ends when the pipe hits the edge of the screen, or can no longer propagate.
Github repo available on request (email).
I improved the existing Anime Boston website by addressing its lack of clear information hierarchy, repetitive or obsolete content, and mismatched aesthetics. My redesigned prototype of the homepage emphasizes what makes Anime Boston unique: the people. By using the public archive of professional photos from every past convention and simplifying a lot of the information on the current homepage, I emphasize the importance the people who make Anime Boston special.
Can't see the 3D artifacts at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts? Now
you can!
The existing online MFA collection has documentation of almost every
artifact in every collection at the museum, but they are only 2D
photos. As a result, the 3D artifacts lose their depth online. This
prototype website is an example of what a couple of artifacts at the
MFA would look like in a fully-developed 3D archive.
© 2024 Amy Eng