
While I use art as a form of expression for myself, I try to use design as a form of expression to help others.

As I gain the knowledge and tools necessary to do so, I aim to consider user experience in my design process above all else, especially regarding accessibility and social equity.

Interaction Design

Reading Redesign - Apple Books

"We are constantly reading, and reading all different types of media, but this project is focused on long-form text-based media. Design a user interface that enhances the reading experience of everyday readers. You will create a prototype for an interactive digital reading platform that accommodates specific reading styles and user needs."

This Figma prototype features two AI-powered integrations into Apple Books. The first is a recommendation feature that takes in specific criterias and recommends five books in order to eliminate the paradox of choice. The second allows a user to select text within a book and prompt an AI model of their choice to generate an image or gif in an art style of their choice.

Explore the Figma prototype yourself here!
View a presentation of my process here!

persona storyboard

Interaction Design

Digital Translation - IoT Dishwasher

"One focus of this project is to identify the components of a physical interface (washing your dishes) and translate their purpose into a digital UI. Use UI components from an existing app and apply it to your digital translation"

In this app, I used the UI components from Apple Maps to create an app that uses the internet of things to control a dishwasher remotely. This app would be used in the event that you need to schedule a cycle ahead of time or if you need to start it remotely. It also highlights the customization of different dishwashing cycles, something most of us never really consider when we hit the start button on our dish cycles.

Explore the Figma prototype yourself here!
View a presentation of my process here!

Character Design


"In Critter, each student imagines a life-form and, progressively over a 2 week period, alters and evolves that life-form based on their own personal desires and in reaction to a series of four social and environmental calamities that occur during that accelerated life span. This is not only a low-barrier-to-entry design activity, but it also establishes the idea of daily rigor and iteration that is inherent to all design practices."

Game Design

"'Game' is a group assignment for teams of 3-4 students where each student team needs to develop a game. The team needs to define the rules and the appropriate equipment."

In 4Word, players represented by colors draw from three decks of elevating difficulty. Each card's front has a word definition and four word choices. If the word you choose has the definition shown and matches the answer on the back of the card, add pieces of your color to the structure! Otherwise, remove pieces. The winner has the most of their color on the structure by the time the players run out of trivia cards.

Video Demo

Information Design

Wollaston's Survey

"This assignment asks you to collect data based on your daily surroundings. Information in this assignment is explored within the frame of physical, spatial, environmental characteristics of your immediate environment."

Wollaston's is a college convenience store. For this assignment, I sat in the nearby Wollaston's. With the manager's permission, I observed and recorded what people bought for one hour. Then, I calculated the most bought items based on my observations, and created an infographic with those stats.

wollaston's infographic

Graphic Design


"Students will generate a series of handmade collages using found media (newspapers, magazines, trash, scraps, photos, etc.). This assignment will aid students to understand design principles of hierarchy, scale, symmetry, asymmetry, repetition, rhythm, balance, and movement."